Dream Big, Set Goals and Take Action: 5 Short-Term Goals That I Want To achieve

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. In this blog I'm going to list 5 short-term goals that I want to achieve and how I want to achieve them.

But before I begin, let me explain to you what exactly is a goal. A goal is an idea that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve.

Read one novel consisting of 150 pages.
I want to achieve this by reading 5 pages each day before going to bed for a month.

Plant a tomato plant.
I want to achieve this by planting tomato seeds in a pot and watering it everyday. I will write this down on a sticky note and paste it on the wall, so I do not forget to water my plant.

Learn origami.
Start with an easy origami and learn one step everyday. This is how I want to achieve this goal.

Write a short story.
I want to achieve this goal by writing a few lines everyday and completing the story in 2 weeks.

Exercise for 30 minutes for 30 days.'
Wake up at 6, freshen up, drink milk and exercise from 6:15a.m. to 6:30a.m. for a month. This is how I want to achieve my last short-term goal.

So, what are your short-term goals? Be sure to type in your answer in the comments below. Well that's all for today. See you another time with a new story, new adventure, new tip and a new moral.  


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